Chewy Approved Podcast: The Return of the Blarrrggg!!!

Hello and welcome to the next edition of the the Chewy Approved Podcast Blarrrggg!

This time around we will be discussing two of my favorites—After the Sermon and The Rugged Marriage!

I’m excited to jump in and discuss these two podcasts! I have been a big fan for a while of both so we will jump in in our usual fashion! I will talk about the Pod in general and then focus in on a particular EP!! And here we go!

After The Sermon:

after-the-sermon-jeremyAfter the Sermon is an awesome Podcast for many reasons. Not only is Jeremy an awesome well-informed brother who puts today’s issues in a thoughtful and biblical lens, he also talks about pretty much anything…. That goes on After the Sermon… See what I did there? Arrrggghhhh! If you listen to the Podcast you will know what I am saying! But in all seriousness Jeremy talks about a lot of stuff. Theology, news, cultural stuff, politics, flavors of soda, food, sports, life, marriage, sexuality, Nascar, issues in the church, cyberbullying, pastoring, abortion, worship, holidays, Eschatology, and beards! I know that’s a lot, but Jeremy has hit on all those issues. And then, you have the Uncredible segment where he invites anyone to be on and discuss anything they want to talk to him about. I have been on there twice and have discussed worship and apologetics with him. All and all, he puts on a great Podcast in a fun and easy to listen to format that will be great for anyone who wants to listen.

In this particular EP, Jeremy starts off by talking about a prank call… I know, like I said, he hits it all! Anyways, he recounts how he recently was prank-called by a scam guy. Actually good to know that folks do that. Arrgghhhh! Anyways, after that, he talks about the new Presbyterian church he has been attending and talking unity and such—since he is traditionally Baptist. Love when podcasts promote unity between denominations and such! Arrrgghhhh makes me a happy wookiee! We can learn a lot from each other and that is what he talks about! He hits also on his other podcast on the Theology Mix and promotes it! After that, he talks about the new Reformation Study Bible from Ligonier Ministries. I am a big fan of this study Bible, and just recently got myself a copy of it! A most excellent resource. If you don’t have one, you all should get it. Jeremy talks about the pros and cons of it… Mostly pros, I promise! It is a big book, you should probably leave it on your desk.

In his main topic, Jeremy talks about the deity of Christ and its importance. There are some within the “church” who say that it is not important or flat out deny it. Jeremy goes into an overview of what one particular person said about the deity of Christ not being important, and then talks about why it is. And Amen Jeremy, it is indeed an important part of our faith. I appreciate Jeremy hitting on it! This EP is awesome and you will be encouraged by it my friends!

rugged-marriageThe Rugged Marriage:

I have been married to my amazing wife for almost six years. In my time as a husband, I have learned a lot about humility, sacrifice, and how to cook a mean crêpe ! Yarrrghhh! Yes, Wookiees can totally cook! But seriously, I love my wife and want to be a man who loves and leads her to the Savior’s arms daily. I want to grow and watch her and encourage her to do same. She is awesome!

So when I discovered a podcast that talks marriage and the bible and good solid theology… I was ecstatic! Arrrgghhhh rawwrrrrr! The Rugged Marriage is a fantastic podcast. They are honest dudes who openly struggle with you and give advice along the way… They don’t put themselves on a high seat and bark advice, but talk honestly and in a way that shows they are in the fight with you. They also give advice for singles, too… Like crap or get off the pot! Err… Wait… That’s the Reformed Pubcast… Shhhh… Don’t tell anyone I did that arrrgghhhh! But you get my point! I have enjoyed their honest talks on sex and struggles surrounding it in and outside of marriage. That is rarely handled well in and out of the church. But these guys do a good job. They get #explicit sometimes, but they handle it well. So listen to this podcast! Arrrgghhhh! The Wookiee knows best!

On this episode they talk about premarital sex. They talk about why it’s a sin, why it is dangerous, but also why it’s a struggle for a lot of folks in the church. When I was dating my now wife, we didn’t wait. It was difficult, we were dumb—to put it lightly. We created justifications and all that so we could have our own selfish way. And the dudes on The Rugged Marriage talk about their past with it as well. But then, they come to the Gospel… The sweet, sweet Gospel! The truth that God sent his Son to take our punishment for all sin, including our sexual sin, we need to be humble and run to him—to be reminded about who he is and what he did. The Rugged brothers talk about that and it is awesome! This EP is worth the listen if you struggle with sexual sin. I highly recommend it yo!

Yarrrghhh arrrgghhhh!

In conclusion, thanks for reading this Blarrrggg! I enjoy being able to write it for you all!

Calvinist Chewbacca
Healing from Child Sexual Abuse with Michelle Viscuse on CD Speak UP!

Healing from Child Sexual Abuse with Michelle Viscuse on CD Speak UP!

Hello and welcome to the next edition of the the Chewy Approved Podcast

The Heidelberg Catechism: Back to Basics – Lord’s Day 8 – The Trinity

The Heidelberg Catechism: Back to Basics – Lord’s Day 8 – The Trinity

Hello and welcome to the next edition of the the Chewy Approved Podcast