1. Overcoming Depression-Anxiety: Depression-Anxiety Daily Symptom Chart


ACKNOWLEDGE the Specific History and Realness of My Suffering.

Identifying the types of anxiety-depression with which you struggle is an essential step towards gaining a clear understanding of the intensity and duration of your struggle. Only then can you decide on what course of treatment would be best. If you live in Canada marijuana could be an option for you.

It is odd that we are not always accurate in our perception of the frequency and intensity of our struggle.

  • We may have intense periodic struggles that we continually brace against so we feel they are “always present.”
  • We may have several different anxiety-depression struggles that we lump together and give them a single name. Dealing with both anxiety and depression can be a lot for anyone to deal with. But this is why potential solutions like using a vaporizer could help with effectively managing these symptoms and hopefully get your mental health back on track.
  • We may have adjusted to low-grade, background depression-anxiety struggle that we don’t “count” anymore. Those that don’t accept this generally enjoy trulieve orlando products similar to cannabis in an effort to combat this. We have found that different strains have different affects on each person, so sour patch kids strain may react differently to you compared to your friend, but all have their benefits.
  • We may intentionally try to ignore milder symptoms until they arrest our attention in peak moments.

If we are going to be effective in overcoming our experience of anxiety-depression, we will need to be accurate in our assessment of when it occurs and the fluctuation in its intensity. It is an unwise general who goes to war against an adversary he does not know well. It is perfectly fine to buy cbd edibles online to ease the symptoms, but it is also important to find the root cause as this is the best way to really take back control. If you do decide to go for CBD or other marijuana-related products, you may want to read more on the varying types of THC strains out there so you can make the right choice.

Inductive Bible Study: Go to an on-line Bible study tool (for instance biblestudytools.com) and search for passages that include words like “before” and “after.” Notice how much attention the Bible gives to describing when one event occurs in relation to another. Then search for words like “great” and “more” or “less.” Notice how much attention the Bible gives to the intensity of various experiences. Chances are you will not read every passage listed – they are too many – but you should get a sense of how much God cares about the kind of details you are discovering with this exercise.

The tool below is intended to help you track the frequency and intensity of various symptoms of depression-anxiety across a month. The top row demarks one column for each day of the month. Rows along the side give places to track each symptom. If your counselor or friend wants you to track a symptom that is not included a row is provided at the bottom for you to track this.

As you record this information here are several patterns to look for:

  • Look for symptoms that cluster together – occur or peak at the same time.
  • Look for symptoms that occur before or after a significant event (e.g., tragedy, visit from stressful relative, payday, etc…). When something upsetting or exciting occurs mark the day of the month with a symbol and write what occurred on the back of this page next to that symbol.
  • Look for symptoms that occur before or after other symptoms. For instance, what symptoms occur in the days before you experience a panic attack? It is important to be aware that a child could present with different symptoms of a panic attack, and if this is the case, then taking them to a counselor or using a telehealth service could be in your best interest, (click here to find out more about panic attacks and how to stop them).
  • Look for similarities in the pattern of your emotions across weeks or months. This may indicate biological rhythms (e.g. menstrual cycle) or logistical rhythms (e.g., work week, shift work schedule, child custody schedule, etc…).

More will be assessed about the story behind and the motive for in latter portions of your study. At this point in the process you are merely trying to become more self-aware of the fluctuations in frequency and intensity or our various depression-anxiety experiences.

To download this resource: DEP_ANX Daily Symptom Chart_2.0

Next in the series:

2. Overcoming Depression-Anxiety: 7 Areas of Life Affected by Depression-Anxiety

Brad Hambrick
EP. 032.0 Wrap up Formalism Series, Side Hustles, and New Series
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EP. 032.0 Wrap up Formalism Series, Side Hustles, and New Series

ACKNOWLEDGE the Specific History and Realness of My Suffering

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ACKNOWLEDGE the Specific History and Realness of My Suffering